Urgent Message for Your Worship Leader!

We enter His gates with thanksgiving! (Ps.100:4)  ‘Tis the season – but this is not just a seasonal message! Become the worship leader at your church! Seriously! Actually, wherever you find yourself – at home, in your car, in your room, or from the back row on Sunday morning – be the “worship leader!” We’re […]

Do Not Leave Home Without It!

Apparently, when God sent the Holy Spirit, it was a really big deal!   Act 1:1 NLT In my first book [The Book of Luke] I told you…about everything Jesus began to do and teach 2 until the day he was taken up to heaven…  3 During the forty days after he suffered and died, he appeared to the apostles from time […]

Lobbying God

Mar.11:15 NLT When they arrived back in Jerusalem, Jesus entered the Temple and began to drive out the people buying and selling animals for sacrifices. He knocked over the tables of the money changers and the chairs of those selling doves, 16 and He stopped everyone from using the Temple as a marketplace. 17 He […]

Apology… (If this is your favorite song)

When I find a song I enjoy, I tend to listen to it endlessly. I was on my 5th or 6th pass thru one the other day — you know the song — the one about needing a revelation… and not having a clue of what to do …great song – great feel – great […]

Are You a Truth-Seeker?

Most who follow God, fit into one of two groups. I was recently pondering these two typical perspectives the Word describes — not including the casual observer, spectator & devoted bystander group. There are those who are contented with an enthusiastic, fervent approach to some spiritual things, but without a depth of knowledge of the […]

The Church’s Greatest Weakness

I am more convinced than ever that the greatest undeveloped area in believers’ lives today is not their ability to pray or stand in faith or quote God’s Word or resist the devil or walk in love or evangelize or… but it’s being able, when the going gets really tough, to seek and find peace—to […]

Waiting vs. Attacking

Facing crisis, the natural tendency of human frailty is to retreat or if possible, ignore… to seek a diversion and any path of less resistance. Ministry leaders typically offer guidance that nicely blends psychology and social remedy with God’s Word. As believer’s, we are generally schooled to persevere, to take courage, to stand and face […]

The Crisis Facing Today’s Church

The greatest challenge facing the church today is NOT a lack of cultural relevance. It is this: recognizing that there is a vast difference between discussion about God and genuine encounter with God. The church must re-prioritize between group therapy and personal encounter. Even in the “good” churches our services tend to focus primarily on […]

Shouldn’t Church Prepare Us For Heaven?

Heaven’s center-stage will not be filled with orators. The centerpiece and attraction of our Heaven-experience will not be a star-studded lineup of the spiritual voices and icons of the ages. ‘…Tomorrow afternoon will feature D.L.Moody, followed by Billy Graham, 45 min. w/ James the Apostle, then Charles Spurgeon, Abraham and Charles Finney.’ Wow, what a […]